nForce 4 network controler ... dead
Published on April 10, 2006 By eyeJ In Motherboards
shortly speaking... odd it works when i conect it to other computers and other computers work with my ADSL router but my pc doesn't work with my ADSL router. anyway it seems that the problem is hardware.
even reinstalled windows and reset the settings in BIOS. still doesnt work.
Just posted this incase someone has some good ideas

my current plan is to get the motherboard replaced i still got the waranty (about 5 months since i bought it)
This is werry strange for a nF4 motherboard. espesialy since the problem is probably in the northbrige and i didnt see much complaining about nvdia's thingys

grrr it is stoping me from working on my Windows RG skin grrrrrrrrr

on Apr 13, 2006

Do u use a softw. firewall? And have u set DHCP on?

on Apr 22, 2006
E boga ti jesam ti reko da si uzmeš nešo bolje ... kad si kupovo komp pitam te koju matičnu ti kažeš neki šit za 800kn... trebo si mene slušat bar ja znam šta je šit od ploče(ona tvoja naravno) ... baš zanimljivo ti uvjek naletiš na neki šit... je si dobi o novu jesi probo flešat bios??????