Why can't I resize an array more than one time?
Published on March 15, 2006 By eyeJ In Scripts
I have windows script host version 5.6.8820
I have DesktopX 3.1 full (not pro not public ... cant remember how u spell it hehe)
The thing i need to do is make an Array to contain some data but the array must be accessable from and function or sub within the objects code.

so here's a short script wich causes the folowing error:

Subscript out of range
Line: 17
(not available)

Dim )
Dim y

'Called when the script is executed
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
y = -1
y = y + 1
End Sub

Function Rescale(Enabled)
If Enabled = True Then
ReDim Preserve y, 5)
ReDim Preserve y, 5)
0, 0) = 1

y = y + 1
ReDim Preserve y, 5)
y = y + 1
ReDim Preserve y, 5)

Do While y < 10
y = y + 1
ReDim Preserve y, 5)
End If
MsgBox "Done"
End Function

Sub Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
If Dragged = False Then
Rescale True
End If
End Sub

'Called when the script is terminated
Sub Object_OnScriptExit

End Sub

It is werry important for my widget to use arrays and there is no other way i can do the thing i want.
This is a bit trivial code but it is enough to produce an error. The documentation of windows script host doesn't say anything about this problem.

Do I need the latest version?
I have WinXP SP1 and SP2 by the way.

Thank you for help in advance!

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